Midnight's Daughter
Karen Chance
Dorina Basarab#1
Cover - Cover Love! Here is a totaly kick-ass, tough looking lady who is taking no prisoners. She fights, she wins, she doesn't hold back, and she has no remorse..
**I read this book in 2009, and put off reviewing it for a little (ha!) while.**
I was looking forward to this novel. The blurb led me to expect a totally bad-assed woman, one who lived with rages, blackouts and who was always on the verge of totally losing it. Not quite what I got. I read a character who fought a lot, yes. But this character also cared...she had just a little too much angst about who and what she was.
What is she? A dhampir, one who has lived far beyond the norm, hanging on by a thread. Most died earlier, of insanity or of being put down. Just the fact that she's lived far longer than most should have her behaving a bit more.... hardcore? maybe. maybe not. Not my call, just my expectations.
The book is set in the same world as the Cassie Palmer novels, with some of the same characters. Dory was a little too angsty for my taste, and there fore the book wasn't quite what I expected. However, the plot (from what I remember) was good, and the dialog...
Well, the plot was good, although I remember feeling a little like I didn't really care about what was going on.... The dialog...here is where I had a little more of a problem. The dialog didn't quite match up with the characters. On the whole, I was left with a feeling of "Bleh", and didn't feel like I "had to" pick up the sequel when it came out - which was kind of a shame since the covers are sooooo very kick ass. Maybe one day, I'll buy a kindle version of the second Dory book, and hopefully she'll be more of what I expected out of this novel. I'm keeping this short, especially since I read it so very long ago, and I'm trying to be fair from memory. But from what I remember - I was left with a feeling of slight disappointment and under no pressure to buy the next installment.
However, if you like a story with a bad ass character who looks for redemption and begins to find it, a story where the vamps are a bit mushy...then you will enjoy this series. :)
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