Leigh Evans
urban fantasy
***** (five stars out of six)

The Trouble With Fate is, believe it or not, a debut offering from a grown up person who didn't decide to write until she turned 50. FIFTY. When I turned fifty, I was trying to figure out how I could do a little less work; I definitely wasn't trying work more, even if it might have been fun... According her, "some people got tattoos, she decided to write." ;) . It turned out to be a pretty good debut novel, with an interesting setting and a mix of supernaturals - fae and werewolves living among unaware humans.
Hedi Peacock (born Helen Stronghold) is the daughter of a werewolf and a fae, making her a mixed blood - which isn't the greatest thing to be in the werewolf community. Might not be the greatest thing to be in the Fae community either, she doesn't know; she's not entirely sure of her Fae status since the gates to Faerie were shut long ago leaving her in the human world with her crazed fae aunt. Unfortunately, she was a kid at the time, one who had just witnessed two murders and lost her twin brother....
Hedi is now living on the down low, trying to stay downwind of any and all werewolves. She's working as a barista (coffee maker) not quite making ends meet, supplementing her pay with her talent for 'finding' things (okay, she STEALS) when trouble walks in the door - in the form of her former crush werewolf, the son of the alpha pack...
Things get very interesting and dangerous for her and her crazed aunt from then on. She ends up on the run, her aunt has been kidnapped, and after a very unpleasant interlude with a pack underling, she ends up on an adventure that might cost her, her former crush, or her aunt their lives.
This was a fun read, with little nuggets of information dropped here and there, which works for me - I prefer the info to be worked into the story, to learn as I go along. I enjoyed the way the two halves of her heritage were portrayed - her fae side, which left her with undeveloped talent, and her werewolf side; her inner bitch frequently had her own agenda and wasn't shy about letting her needs and wants known.
The dialog fit well and was believable.
The characters were varied and fun to read. The situations changed from sad to dangerous to sad to lusty to angry and dangerous...things just hopped along keeping my interest with only a few 'down' or slow spots - these would be the spots that I compare to movie scenes where the characters suddenly stop all action and adventure to have meaningful dialogue; to kind of get to know each other (possibly to excuse their sudden jumping of the bones moments). I am frequently bored at these 'downtimes'. Happily, there was only one that lasted any time at all.
I enjoyed this novel enough to want to read the sequel. The narration and dialogue just hit the right combination to make this a memorable read. The sequel The Thing About Weres.(Don't click if you haven't read the first novel - really. Will give a spoiler - a big spoiler that will ruin an important happening in book one) will be out in July of 2013, and I'm going to make sure I get this upcoming novel. Glad I received this novel from a friend. :)
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