I started out reading Scardown, but of course Anne Aguirre's Aftermath came out A
ugust 30, and if you've ever picked up a Sirantha Jax novel, then the chances are high that you have to buy each Sirantha Jax novel as they come out and DEVOUR them within a space of a day, or so. Raise your hands if you know what I mean. In my case, I got about halfway through within one night and then the rest of the week was taken up with activities that stopped me from reading. I have JUST finished it....wow.

Next up is going back to reading Scardown by Elizabeth Bear, and then hopefully getting right into WorldWired the final Jenny book. Great Sci Fi books.
After that? who knows. I do know that I have about 100 books that I have been slowly buying (and have been gifted with) and hoping to read. Maybe I'll get into some of them. Hopefully, I'm still interested in them, as much as when I first bought them. There are times when I'm looking forward so much to reading certain books - especially debut novels, but then I'm disappointed in the writing style or the dialogue. Then again, there have been a high number of debut novels that I've enjoyed very much in the last couple years. Of those, I have the second and third in the series to look forward to. Already here. Waiting. For me to crack them open.
Yup, yup ... I know the part about being interrupted ... that's what the last week and this week has been like ... so much so that I took much longer to finish re-reading Jane Eyre than I anticipated...
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean about TBR pile. I now have a TBR book shelf. And it is getting full fast. I need a reading vacation where that is all I do!
Lisa's World of Books, Monday Review
I've got a stack that is about as high as yours; all books I wanted at least enough to haul them home, enter a contest etc. and I keep wondering when I'll ever get around to them, considering the number of new books that enter the house weekly.
ReplyDeleteI don't know the books, but I think the pictures are funny.
My Head is Full of Books