Naomi Clark
I really like this cover - the moon, the night, the whole feeling, definitely a fool moon type of book. I think it really captures the feel of the novel.
The main character of this book is a mess - a real mess. Lizzie is hitting rock bottom, in a huge way. She's living la vida loca, angry at her boyfriend (who she really doesn't even like), probably angry at herself, at her life...and just keeps on her merry-go-round of drugs, partying, being broke, more drugs, fighting with the boyfriend, more drugs, partying, more drugs.....
One night, she's attacked....she heals remarkably fast and begins to notice cravings and this rage that blossoms out of nowhere. It seems like she might have some help though with this one guy....Just when she thinks she's going to finally stop the rollercoaster and get off, she goes through a major change ....and begins to repeat her previous vida loca. Only this time, it's just a bit worse.
Wow. I believe that Naomi Clark captured very well, the feelings of hopelessness, the rage, the mess that this girl's mind is. It's painful, witnessing this girl try to think about getting off drugs, and then so easily slipping right back into it....cause stopping is hard. Especially when you think that's all you deserve and all you're capable of. Lizzie is to the point when it's easier to allow beatings and hide behind drugs. This guy who appears to be a lifesaver...is he really?
Well - maybe, maybe not.
I enjoyed reading about Lizzie's struggles and her frequent falls into the depths of despair...but there's this little spark in her that keeps her thinking about climbing out that pit...This is a good read with a interesting character. You may not like her, but she's interesting and she's a fighter. It's not apparent what a strong person she is right away, because she's been hiding from herself...but there's a strong character in Lizzie.
If you are ready to read something besides the standard good-girl-who-has-bad things happen to her, then this is a nice change of pace. The narration is good, the situations are gritty and believable - the dialog pretty good. Enjoyable, twisted read - which I liked. Because I like reading a wide variety of main characters - I like them sweet, I like them sour, I like them strong and brave, I like them good, and I like them twisted. Variety - the spice of life! :)
Wild is part of the Vargulf trilogy and can be found at Amazon
Naomi Clark is also the author of Afterlife (which I have in trade book form), Silver Kiss and numerous e-books. Go take a look at her website, she has some interesting pages up.
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