We're having another little heat wave...after a day of rain last week - weather is always a little back and forth here, but this is really pushing the odd weather patterns.
Not being a fan of extremely hot weather - I hope to get some 80 degree weather soon.
That would be nice.
And this one is fourth of July Monday..
my son's band (currently a singer/guitar player and my son the drummer)
will be playing at a local park where there will be a round up of bands playing.
being relatively unknown, they are going to be one of the first to play...
the important thing is they're playing and getting some exposure.
I know I'm related, but I think they're pretty good. :)
Back to book blogger business...
I thought that I had been slacking on my reading so imagine my surprise when I tallied up the books and found I've actually FINISHED reading FOUR novels!
one of the books I finished is the YA e-book Senior Year Bites written by J.A. Campbell. I recommend this - it's a fresh take on the whole vampire thing. The main character is NOT involved with two handsome emo boys, and the story is refreshing in how normal everyone is - normal except for one of them being a vampire.....you should go check it out. I loved it.

I also finished reading Wild by Naomi Clark. This is another e-book. This turned out to be another book that doesn't follow the normal recipe for urban fantasy or fantasy novels. The main character is a "hawt mess" who has this affliction...that's it, no spoilers. It's available now as e-book and was an enjoyable read.
I had started Tiger Eye about a year ago, and for one reason and another, kept putting it aside to read urban fantasies. Now this is a paranormal romance, and I usually don't read them. But the storyline was worth wading through the sometimes mushy lovescenes, or the talking about how much they loved each other... Basically a good story with some very interesting side characters. Interesting enough to make me want to at read a few more in this Dirk & Steele series. Marjorie M. Liu is afterall, a hell of a story teller.

I had started Tiger Eye about a year ago, and for one reason and another, kept putting it aside to read urban fantasies. Now this is a paranormal romance, and I usually don't read them. But the storyline was worth wading through the sometimes mushy lovescenes, or the talking about how much they loved each other... Basically a good story with some very interesting side characters. Interesting enough to make me want to at read a few more in this Dirk & Steele series. Marjorie M. Liu is afterall, a hell of a story teller.

Then there is Tanya Huff's The Better Part of Valor. Marines in futuristic outerspace...not only human marines, but at least three other species....sometimes I get a little confused between each species - I would like to have a picture with labels...and a glossary also....hmmmm. I am enjoying this series, and ended up jumping right into the the next book.
Some of the books I'm currently reading include...
of course, I never know which books i'm going to stick with, put aside, forget, lose, or remember from long ago to finish...

I started reading My Life As A White Trash Zombie... (how could I resist with a title like that?) I've tried Diana Rowland's other series and didn't care for it much - mainly because of the almost formal language of the main character...it bugged me. But I'm hoping for different with this one...Since the main character is supposedly "white trash", I'm expecting some very relaxed dialect styles...First chapter is promising.
The novel I jumped right into was The Heart of Valor - #3 in the Valor series. Just started it, so not much to say yet.

I've also been reading Red Hot Liberty. Devin O'Branagan has written an interesting sequel to Red Hot Property. This has the same main characters and introduces some new quirky people.
Future Reading = HAH! I have no plans...but I have many, many books sitting here looking at me accusingly.
Some of them are second books of series
some of them are the third and fourth of a series
all of them are making me feel a little bit guilty
Then there are the books that I was so excited to buy and became a little bit bored with...
(some of them I became extremely bored with. heehee)
My books make me feel guilty as well. You had a great week and I look forward to seeing what you choose to read.
ReplyDeleteMy Monday: http://www.rundpinne.com/2011/07/its-monday-what-are-you-reading-46.html