Saturday, October 9, 2010

A New Book

Recently I was offered a book to read for review.  It just arrived in the post today (I think my British friends are rubbing off on me - I usually use the term mail instead of post, but post just popped out...)

The book is titled The Half-Made World and is written by Felix Gilman.  I've never heard of him before.  The novel is supposed to have some steampunk elements in it. In fact, according to the accompanying press paper, there is American western tradition, steampunk adventure, and magic realism.  Ik'm not sure what magical realism means, and someday I might look the term up.  I'm notoriously lazy when it comes to brain improvement (mine, anyway) - but I'm always willing to read a new book, especially if it has some type of magic or supernatural-ness in it.

While trying to put my two grandchildren down for the night (somehow I ended up with BOTH of them - lol) I read the prologue and the first chapter.  The prologue starts out with a bang! literally - a noise bomb has been dropped on some people, causing them to lose their minds, and making them easy prey for the people who set the bomb on them...what a beginning.

I looked up Felix Gilman and found that he's written a few other fantasy (or high fantasy) novels published by Random House.  Thunderer and Gears of the City

Well, I'm nodding off as I'm trying to blog, so it's time to go to bed.

Good night'all.  I'll be reading the book as fast as I can, so I'll get get it read,  hopefully soon.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh...sounds intersting...I know a few friends who would certainly consider this one for a read. AS for the slip into English-speak mode...LOL. I find myself doing that as well from time to time after chatting with friends from across the pond online. ^_^ Happy reading!
