I feel like doing a double Tuesday Teaser - since I start so many books at time, might as well share my neurosis, or quirks. :)
From Jasmyn (Alex Bell) a fairytale-like novel
page 83:
" 'This is ridiculous,' I said. 'I can't believe Liam went to Munich so often and didn't tell me, never mind Paris.'
'Fine,' Ben shrugged, running his eye down the list. 'I'm making it all up. Go back home to England.' "
Now I have to say here, in regards to Doppelgangster - that this appeared to be the first in a series. When I looked at the page where they list other books by author, there are two other books listed - AFTER Doppelganster and the second two listed books are starred. At the bottom of the page you find a star with the following words:
"Coming soon from DAW books" Note the word is SOON. The other two books are Unsympathetic Magic and Vamparazzi. This looks as if Doppelgangster is the first book. Wouldn't you get that impression? I'm noting this because I always try to buy the first book of a series (unless I'm tricked). There's nothing like getting a book home and trying to read it and feeling like you're missing a lot. So here I am, feeling like I have the first book - then I try to read it. Hold on! I AM missing a lot. Just feels like there should be another book - before this one. Maybe it had something to do with the three pages of info-overload (dump - infodump!) that was disguised as a prologue. That could be the reason. I looked up the cover to post and what do you know! This is listed as "Esther Diamond Series #2". Number TWO. The cover of this book clearly says "AN Esther Diamond Novel" If it had said number two on it, I would have looked for the first book. Turns out that there is indeed a book before Doppelgangster written in 2005 titled Disappearing Nightly. Oh boy, DAW! I feel tricked - a bit. If I had looked for the first one I probably wouldn't have been able to find it anyway, right? published five years ago. Why couldn't y'll have been just a little more forthcoming about this and written on the cover or in the inside, An Esther Diamond Series #2? Is it because other people like me wouldn't have bought it-right away, without first reading the #1 book? Tricky, tricky - and it worked. Whatever - I'm going to try to read this one anyway - WITHOUT buying the first book. If I like it a whole lot, I mean love it to death, then I might search out the first one. But I don't like feeling tricked- even if it's minor trickery.
Okay, now that I'm done with my mini-rant, here's a teaser from a completely random page (okay, not so random...page 8)
"...Lopez sat down next to me and took my free hand. Then he looked down at our joined hands, frowning a little.
'Sorry,' I said. My hand was sticky. 'It's the Turtle Soup.' "
This series, or the main character, Esther Diamond, is being compared as "the Stephanie Plum of urban fantasy!" Okay, that's a lot to live up to! Stephanie Plum so far, has had no comparison, that I've found anyway.
I would rant about that too! Sometimes I just don't get it--why they are sometimes even published out of order and/or they make it impossible to figure out in what order they should be read!
ReplyDeleteIt must totally frustrate the authors. Publishers do a lot of things that just boil down to money. Hardbacks when the writer gets popular. (Mercy Thompson series, Kim Harrison the Hollows, Jim Butcher's books - etc). It's like hey, now that you have a lot of loyal fans, let's take advantage and put your books in hardback, charge three times the paperback amount and wait for at least a year before the paperback version comes out. Nice. So the loyal fans either shell out the extra money to read the book right when it comes out, or waits forever for the paperback. :( Novellas or short stories published in hardback with very large type, losts of very small chapters (Daniel X) and many, many blank pages (Micah) when you can get a very decent fairly long short story in an anthology for paperback price.
ReplyDeleteI know it has to frustrate the authors. One of my main gripes is when they will publish book 2 to whatever but finding book 1 is next to impossible to find!
ReplyDeleteThe first in this Esther Diamon book might be hard to find - it's five years ago. I'm just going to try to read this one, and see if I like it. I like the cover! I've read into the first chapter, and it's reading much better than the prologue did. LOL