Not that I'm particularly active....but this weekend was almost as much sleeping as last weekend. With the added bonus of having to take a day off work because of a pain flare up. The flare up is pretty much under control now, but once in a while I get a flash memory of Friday and shudder. ugh. Hope I don't get many of those! On a positive spin, at least I was able to visit more with the grandson between napping. We had a couple of good talks. The kind of talks you can only have with a four year old boy. :)
Well, It's that time again - Monday. Which means we've survived another week and now get to start a new week...
And it also means we get to list what we've been reading, what we've finished reading and sometimes what we've planned to read with the help of the Monday Meme hosted by Sheila of Book Journey. Great fun - and all participants should be aware that your TBR pile might grow by leaps and bounds.....
Finished Reading
I didn't think I was going to read much this week. The week started out very slowly for me, but when Friday rolled around and I ended up laid up in bed, the reading took off like a reading storm. (what exactly does a reading storm sound or look like? I don't know - they aren't real) So I ended up finishing two books, and getting a good start on a third.
Midnight Blue-Light Special
Incryptid #2 - The continuing adventures of Verity Price, Dominic DeLuca and the cryptids of Manhattan. The Covenant - death to all cryptids are coming, and Dominic is torn between his new found lust/love of Very and his inbred loyalty to the Covenant. Some heavy duty stuff along with humor.
by Jamie Quaid
Saturn's Daughter #1
A weird zone of Baltimore that's been contaminated with chemicals and pollution. An angry woman with authority issues and strange powers that are popping up...A weird book that was in turns interesting...and not so interesting. (More on that when I review.)
I also read a fun short story from an anthology;
Brown is one of Campbell's dog characters, in fact the ancestor of Doc of vampire hunting fame. I love these dog stories, told from the DOG's pov. Campbell does a very good job of making her characters sound like dogs, or as I imagine an intelligent dog would sound.
Current Reads
I've started a few.

So I grabbed another book that's been languishing on my shelves for a while - even though I'm not sure I'm in the mood for this type of read... Roil by Trent Jamieson. #1 of the Nightbound Land duology. Paraphrased from the blurb - a four thousand year old man, a young man who has an addiction problem, a young woman with vengeance in her heart; they're all fighting this phenomenon known as The Roil - which takes over whole cities, feeding on the people and ruining life. I like the premise of the novel, but I'm not sure I'm in the mood for wholescale mayhem and disaster type of a novel right now.
Nor am I in the mood for flippant heroines....I'm not sure what I'm in the mood for, this might be one of those weeks where I put around, not quite getting into ANY book. Maybe I should re-read a novel, a favorite SciFi from long ago (like Nylon Angel). Or a favorite Terry Pratchett discworld novel..... Or maybe it's time for a regular fiction novel - or a (shudder) romance novel - one light on the hot-n-heavy heaving bosoms or throbbing man parts....
Well - we'll just have to see.
Glad to hear that you are feeling better and that you got some reading time in.
ReplyDeleteHave a great week and thanks for stopping by my blog!
~Kristin @ Always With a Book
Thanks. There's always a silver lining to being sick or laid up - and that's having more time to read. :) I got more reading done in three days than I've read in the last week and a half. :)
DeleteSometimes rest is the best medicine of all. Take care of yourself.
ReplyDeleteThanks - it seems the older I get the more rest I need. I'm probably lucky I'm able to even make it to work five days a week - it might be five days a week is too much for me. :) Oh well, we do what we can, right?
DeleteSorry to hear you weren't well, but those 4 yr old chats can usually cheer you up. My son just turned 4 and he's quiet the character. Looks like some interesting reads. I hate when I pick up a book in the middle of the series any more, must be I'm getting cranky as I age or something, because it never used to bother me. Have a great week and thanks for stopping by my blog.
ReplyDeleteI think that's my probably (getting crankier). Because I used to just read the book, then find out if I liked it or not. If I liked it I would look for previous and sequel books. Now I get all bent out of shape about it, like the bookstore tricked me on purpose. ;)
DeleteI enjoyed so much each of my kids when they were around four. I think there's lots of good things about each age....but there's something special about some of the infancy, 6 months....two years, and FOUR years! Four years old and they're into telling you stories, learning things, music, dancing...etc. Wonderful age. Another age I love is kids in grades Kindergarden through 2nd - they're so eager to learn, eager and enthusiastic to participate... sigh...this is why I enjoy working with kids. And having grandchildren. :) enjoy your four year old boy - this is a very fun age.
Sounds like you had a good weekend despite being laid up from the Friday pain. (don't envy you there) What do you mean there's no such thing as a reading storm? Totall saw one not so long ago! ^_^ Looks like you ended the week on a high note, here's hoping this one treats you even better.
ReplyDeleteLOL - Gina,
DeleteI'm picturing books raining down, whirlwinds of pages and smaller books, etc. Cool if You end up with more books though. :)
Whenever I am not feeling well, I always retreat to a beloved book. I hope you are feeling better this week!
ReplyDeletethanks - me too. I totally over did it. I have some physical limitations (arthritis, and other old injuries) and I have been pushing myself this year while working and it all caught up with me. Oops. I'm going to baby myself quite a bit this next few weeks.
DeleteI did have fun reading though. :)
The cat pictures crack me up!! Loving the covers of the books you got this week!!!
ReplyDeleteI love cat pics. I don't come up with all the captions, but I've been able to come up with some. I'm always amazed at everyone's humor and the things cat pics make you think of. :)
DeleteFour year old boy conversations are wonderful. They are so funny but they have no idea!
ReplyDeleteI hope you get lots of rest this week and have no more flare ups!
LOL - well, they have THEIR idea. It's usually a trippy idea....
Deletehaha. The other day I woke up from a dead sleep to see my grandson standing there, looking at me. I said hi and he said..."gramma, you don't always have to drink pepsi, you know."
I'm like...."oh yeah?", as I'm trying to WAKE UP.
He's sayin "yes. You can drink water too."
sigh...but I love pepsi!