This past week, the baby in my It's Monday button has turned six years old. Six. And now she's in kindergarden, reading to me and learning all kind of things. AND she just asked to get her ears pierced, used some of her b-day money to get them pierced. According to her dad, she swindled him. haha. She had $20 left of her Disneyland money (they went to Disneyland for her birthday). So she asked if she could get her ears pierced. Her parents said sure, especially when she wanted to use her money. According to dad, though, the whole thing costs a little over $50. He's laughing as he's telling us, so I don't think he really minded too much. ;) She is their only child, seems to have been a miracle that she was even conceived, much less born (all kinds of trouble) She's here and a spirited yet sweet young thing. Full of piss and vinegar and sugar, all mixed together in one little package. :)
It's Monday, What Are You Reading? is the weekly bookish meme hosted by Ms Sheila of Book Journey - and it really did almost sneak up on me again. I missed quite a few weeks lately, and I'm trying not to miss again. It used to be that the Monday meme kept be grounded, it's a good way to keep on track with reading, to remember to list my books (this blog and my Books Read page are the only way I can keep track of what I've read, bought, tried to read, etc.) so it's more important than it would seem to me. Even though I spent the week watching my daughter's house when they went on their trip to L.A., I didn't get much reading done at all. I fully expected to read a lot, since they don't have cable. I even brought three books with me, and figured that she had a shelf full of books I could read if I finished what I brought.....HA! They had NetFlix, and so I spent many hours watching episodes of the BBC version of Shameless (not as good as the Showtime's version) and the beginning episodes of Supernatural (omg! Why did it take so long for me to even FIND this show?) Supernatural is a fun and spooky show; and I've only gotten through a few episodes...
The one novel I finished reading this week was ...
by Leigh Evans
Hedi is half fae, half were, stuck in the human world, trying to blend in and stay out of notice of the weres while living and caring for her full fae, crazed Aunt Lou. Aunt Lou has been invading her dreams and subconcious...or is there something else going on? Aunt Lou is abducted, and Hedi needs to go find her.. Good story. Good writing, good dialogue and I want to read the next novel - **BTW the blurb for sequel contains spoilers for the first novel, which I didn't know, then I read the blurb and thought...WTF? WHY? give some warning for those of us who don't read the first book fast enough for it not to matter if you give an ending away in the blurb for the second novel...even if it's not considered a spoiler by the publisher, it's something that I would have liked to have been surprised about. But NOOOOooooo, I ended up knowing a certain thing was going to happen before I read it because I became curious and looked up the second novel before I finished reading the first, without realizing they were going to go there. Damn! The Thing About Weres. (don't click if you haven't read the first novel,really)
Current Reading is a toss up.
Choices are...

Is it just me, or does anyone else see the strong resemblance of the cover model to Kiera Knightly's character of Domino?
Or...I might just do a re-read, or one of my Terry Pratchett novels...or Nylon Angel...
Aw, happy birthday sweet baby! :) My oldest just turned 6, too. It really is a joy to have him reading to me now. :D
ReplyDeleteOh, Sweetie, God love you. My oldest just turned 33 and my youngest just turned 24. It's so hard and yet so wonderful to me that my GRANDDAUGHTER is six years old. My Granbaby that I just held in my arms right after she was born... They grow, so fast - treasure each moment. An older lady told me that a long time ago - that the childhood would go so quickly and then they would be adults, so I did try to keep that in mind, but it's not until you go through it that you realize exactly what she meant... AT least I did try to keep this in mind though, as my children grew up. :) Best advice ever, that and just relax and enjoy your children.
DeleteIt's so fun to have the kids reading to you, isn't it?
The Trouble with Fate sounds really good! Right up my alley.
ReplyDeleteSix years old is a great age. My favorite ages are 3-7. After that they lose their innocence and it's not as much fun. My bf's son is 6 and he is a whirling dervish, full of mischief but also full of laughter and love. He is great. They grow up so fast though, you are right. I get nauseous just thinking about how the four year olds I taught my 1st year teaching are now 11 years old! I think I will sit in a corner somewhere and cry!
I think my alltime favorite age is infancy, and then toddlerhood...and then the young elementary age - from kinder to third grade is the most fun. Although I am learning to appreciate the older grades and their differences. It's all fun, with all their varied gifts and talents. :)
DeleteAww sounds like your granddaughter had a lovely birthday. My boys are 21 and nearly 19, grandkids might not be far away lol. I hate it when a blurb gives away major spoiler ... not fair. The Probable Future looks good to me. Have a great week whatever you decide to read :)
ReplyDeleteYup = you never know when a grandchild is going to pop up! But they're the best things ever. Better than children, haha.