I shouldn't be doing this, but I added to my TBR pile in the last two days. by about 12 books. Six are used though, as if that somehow makes it better...heehee. Most of us bloggers - full or parttime bloggers - understand how hard it is to turn down a book though. And if you're anything like me, you'll know what it's like when you don't get into a bookstore often enough. There is a kind of withdrawal that we suffer from. It's not pretty folks ! This book thing can turn into quite an addiction! one that is easy to feed, even if you only have a few bucks. So, here are the new books I picked up yesterday....

I already own two novels by John Scalzi, yet I haven't cracked them open yet....or wait, one of them I have started {Zoe's Tale}, but like many other novels in my life, I started it and many others around the same time. I'm still planning on reading it. But when I saw Fuzzy Nation on the rack, I was drawn to the cover, then to the blurb on the back. Seems interesting. So I bought it.Though I meant to read another novel, I ended up starting this this one - so far, so good. :) See for yourself, click on the cover; you'll end up on the Tor site, reading a two chapter excerpt. By the way - I have a lot of respect in general for Scalzi, though I've never spoke with, interacted with or anything with - for example, take a look at this excellent essay.

I haven't read anything at all by Melissa Marr - her earlier books are Young Adult, and I read few young adult - but I saw Graveminders in the regular SciFi/Fantasy section. It's about a family of ....well.....graveminders! They mind graves, making sure that those who are buried stay buried....somthing happens, though, and the recent burials have become awry. Looks like this might be an entertaining read - a little dark, but entertaining. I like dark reads, though. :)

A long time ago, I read a book by Katherine Kerr - it was a historical fiction type of book. The books that I tried to read had a lot of flashbacks - flashbacks to previous lives, some of them hundreds of years previous. They were kind of hard for me to read - because of some of the content, not because there were flashbacks. I then avoided any books by Kathleen Kerr, mainly because they all seemed to focus on the particular couple that I didn't want to read about - so I was both happy and wary of seeing her name on a SciFi or UF novel. I'm hoping that the people in License to Ensorcell don't suddenly start having flashbacks to their ancient life of being a brother and sister that are married. I remember her style of writing was pretty good - I just didn't care for the characters - so I'm hoping that this series is very different. From the back of the book, it sounds very intriguing, so that's a plus for me. I'm also hoping that I do like this book, because there are already two other novels in the series, and they look like they might have some humor in them. And, before seeing this particular series, I didn't know that Kerr has been writing SciFi for the last 10 or so years. Interesting.
SIGH.....Devon Monk.....sigh.....I went into the store tonight just to see what was around, since I've completely lost track of who's releasing what when. What a feeling to see Magic Without Mercy on the rack - ready to to buy. Boy, that made the complete trip worth the delay in going home, even though I had worn sandals, and it had started to RAIN! {Must have been confused. I have no other reason for wearing sandals when April has just started} So of course, I bought this one, and I'm happy to see some of the magic marks on Allie's torso, even though there's supposed to be some on her face also. Planning to read this very soon! And if Magic Without Mercy is out now, then Tin Swift - Monk's other series - can't be very far behind....... {or can it?}

I haven't read anything at all by Melissa Marr - her earlier books are Young Adult, and I read few young adult - but I saw Graveminders in the regular SciFi/Fantasy section. It's about a family of ....well.....graveminders! They mind graves, making sure that those who are buried stay buried....somthing happens, though, and the recent burials have become awry. Looks like this might be an entertaining read - a little dark, but entertaining. I like dark reads, though. :)

A long time ago, I read a book by Katherine Kerr - it was a historical fiction type of book. The books that I tried to read had a lot of flashbacks - flashbacks to previous lives, some of them hundreds of years previous. They were kind of hard for me to read - because of some of the content, not because there were flashbacks. I then avoided any books by Kathleen Kerr, mainly because they all seemed to focus on the particular couple that I didn't want to read about - so I was both happy and wary of seeing her name on a SciFi or UF novel. I'm hoping that the people in License to Ensorcell don't suddenly start having flashbacks to their ancient life of being a brother and sister that are married. I remember her style of writing was pretty good - I just didn't care for the characters - so I'm hoping that this series is very different. From the back of the book, it sounds very intriguing, so that's a plus for me. I'm also hoping that I do like this book, because there are already two other novels in the series, and they look like they might have some humor in them. And, before seeing this particular series, I didn't know that Kerr has been writing SciFi for the last 10 or so years. Interesting.

SIGH.....Devon Monk.....sigh.....I went into the store tonight just to see what was around, since I've completely lost track of who's releasing what when. What a feeling to see Magic Without Mercy on the rack - ready to to buy. Boy, that made the complete trip worth the delay in going home, even though I had worn sandals, and it had started to RAIN! {Must have been confused. I have no other reason for wearing sandals when April has just started} So of course, I bought this one, and I'm happy to see some of the magic marks on Allie's torso, even though there's supposed to be some on her face also. Planning to read this very soon! And if Magic Without Mercy is out now, then Tin Swift - Monk's other series - can't be very far behind....... {or can it?}

Now, for my semi-regular impulse buy, of an author previously unknown to me, and currently unheard of for me is Plague Town by Dana Fredsti. I skimmed a few pages and I think I can read this without being bored..... I really hope so. I haven't seen this one mentioned in any blogs {of course, I've been out of the country, and I've had my nose deep in Cityville and Castleville.....} but I usually see a few new releases being mentioned here and there....
So here goes- it looks good.
Now I'm feeling embarrassingly rich in books - or rather, I've added uncontrollably to my TBR mountain. I have quite a few books waiting for me to read, and yet I can't help buying more whenever I can. And to top it all off, today at school a bag of books was donated to a rummage sale. Of course, I couldn't keep my greedy little hands from delving into the bag...and I found six books that are interesting. {Don't worry - I paid for them, *g*} They're not even fantasy, SciFi or urban fantasy...these are regular old fiction - or rather the type of fiction that non-frivolous women are interested in (doesn't that sound snotty? not meant to be) But I don't feel like looking up and downloading/uploading all the covers tonight. I'll do it another day. I will list them though {I like lists :) } In no particular order, the used books I picked up
- Look Me In The Eye: My life with Asperger's by John Elder Robison
- While I Was Gone by Sue Miller
- Big Love by Sarah Dunn
- She, Myself & I by Whitney Gaskell
- Night Swimming by Robin Schwarz
- A Cooler Climate by Zena Collier {this has been made into a Showtime movie that I've never heard of, with Sally Field and Geena Davis}
That's all for now - no LOL Catz, no more links, no popcorn, no dessert!
haha - later!
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