no matter how many times I backspace or delete the spaces between my sentences, blogger's formatting keeps adding huge spaces in between my various sentences - makes absolutely NO sense at all. doesn't matter if I backspace, if I highlight and delete the spaces, if I'm in the compose mode or the edit mode - it just does what ever the f** is wants. drives me crazy. makes me feel violent, which isn't good while working on a laptop (feeling like throwing the laptop, and then feeling crazed and insane because I feel like this....ugh!) Thanks, blogger - for the stress inducing blogging experience.
I took the picture below around a year ago - making my grandson barely three (might have been right before his third birthday) and my granddaughter four years old, or possibly almost four. He's always been bigger than her...took her two years to grow out of size two clothes - took him about four months to grow out of size two clothes. Right now, he is on his way to four years old, and is wearing a size 6-8 shirt, and size five slim pants. Big boy. She's barely into a size four. Why do I write all this unnecessary information? I don't know. For God's sake, this is a BOOK BLOG. :) If you have babies, you'll understand, if you have grandchildren you'll understand the almost uncontrollable need to talk/brag/go on and on about your grandchildren. Anyway - these two are best buds - they hang out together every weekend at my house.I overheard the Grandson saying to the Granddaughter
"when I went home last time, and didn't see you for a while, I was thinking and I missed you." (omg, my chest tightened up)
She responded "What did you think about?".
He said...."you - I was thinking about you and I missed you a lot. I wanted to play with you". (oh, the sweet agony of grandchildren)
She responded "I missed you too.."
He said "I love you",
and she said "I love you too!"
(By the way - to add to the cute factor, or maybe to add to the weird factor- this conversation took place with the boy on the toilet, the door partway closed for "privacy" and with us sitting outside the bathroom on my bed, keeping him company while he used the toilet...they don't like to be in the B.R. by themselves, and yet they are just discovering the privacy thing. So many times we end up with halfway closed doors while we're totally carrying on conversations and even looking at each other's faces while we're having "privacy" with a partially closed door. Never ever fronted that we're totally sensible. *g* But we are close!)
We should take our cues from our young ones- just say it when we love someone, right? Except that once you're an adult, it's not that easy. Sigh....
It's Monday, What Are You Reading is one of my favorite bookish memes. Hosted by Sheila of Book Journey, we talk about our week in books. What we've read, what we're reading - etc. Full guidelines are at Sheila's blog. I had a very strange week, and I'm not sure I'm recovered from my health news. I feel strange, like I'm in a dream... I haven't been able to concentrate on much and have been feeling downright giddy. My re
ading - this week I finished only one novel Sacrificial Magic by Stacia Kane. Hell, I didn't even know it was out until I went to the store on an impulse and there it was- begging me to take it home. :) So I did. I tried like hell to finish reading the book I was in the middle of, but finally had to just drop it and start reading Kane's book. Of one of my favorite series, this is the type of book that I will usually take two days or less to read. But because of my misdiagnosis, I couldn't concentrate as hard - still enjoyed the book like hell though. And am so happy to see that the 5th book will be out in only a couple months.
Other books I'm currently reading - in alpha order
Once again I'm not quite sure which one I'm going to end up focusing on. I'm in that place after reading a favorite - that place where only another extremely well-written Urban Fantasy book will satisfy me, or I'll end up having to read a book completely out of the genre - a palate cleansing novel. Otherwise, I'll end up feeling blah and ehhh - over what ever book I choose to read. new book covers (last week I already posted a cover pic of Endgame by Ann Aguirre, so I'm not listing it here - but I'm happy for that one also. *g*) I'm excited about - of course, these also mean new books that are coming out:
Young Adult author J.A. Campbell has two new covers to celebrate. One is the cover for her sequel to Senior Year Bites - sequel is titled Summer Break Blues. Clicking on the cover pic will take you to her webpage. The series is The Clanless series (cool series title). The other cover is for the long awaited (no fault of the author, just a very long wait on the publisher's end) titled Westward, Home! ; this is the final installment of the Into The West series. This was originally planned to come out in eight installments, one month apart. The last story - the conclusion of the eight part serial story, hasn't been released yet, but at least it now has a cover, and will be out soon. This was a cute serial, with an intersting teen character, time travel, bandits, horses and the stirrings of first love. Clicking on that cover pic will take you to Campbell's webpage for the Into The West series. Each installment is 99 cents - very affordable.
Well - Happy Monday, everyone. As Happy as any Monday can be, anyway:)
Great book line-up you've got here. Hope you feel better.
ReplyDeleteLooks like some good books! And I love the pix of the grandkids...I enjoy mine, too, and seeing the changes as they grow. Have a great week!
Interesting books this week - I'll be looking forward to reading your reviews of them.
ReplyDeleteHave a great week!
Kristin @ Always With a Book
Those are all new to me, but many sound great! Happy Reading! :)
ReplyDeleteLisa @ Lost in Literature
My It’s Monday!
LM = found out I was misdiagonosed, but in a good way. So a bit better.
ReplyDeleteLaurel-Rain - It's the best thing, The only great perk of getting older is experiencing the grandchildren and I'm lucky enough to have mine every single weekend. :)
Lisa - Thanks - I'm going over to visit your blog...right now. :)