Sunday, January 1, 2012

It's Monday, Baby - the first Monday of 2012

It's time for one of my rare giveaways - so far, there is only one entry, so odds are very good for any entrants. two books are up for grabs - enter here

Here we are, at the first Monday of 2012, and thus the first It's Monday meme of 2012. Hosted by Sheila of Book Journey, we discuss books - what we're reading, what we've read and hopeful reads.

And here is where I admit that despite having a whole week off after Christmas break to spend relaxing and reading....

I didn't read much at all. I did relax, relaxed so much that I pretty much slept away a week of my life. On one hand, I felt glad that I could spend the time reading and on the other hand, I feel like I wasted away a whole week by sleeping.

Sigh...LOL - Oh Well, that's Life!

Even though I didn't finish a book, I have been reading a couple of books. True to my usual form, of all the books I've started in the last few months, none of them are the ones I ended up reading this week. This week, I've been re-reading - or rather re-starting Star Doc by L.H.Viehl. Now this is a book that I bought about two years ago, started and never finished. It must have been my mood at the time, because so far I've gotten past where I last left off, and only just now came to a slow-down spot in the novel. Where the beginnings of a romance is stirring. In a boring way. Hopefully, I'll get past it soon. :) and on to more interesting happenings.

That's all I'm going to list for now - have no plans for when I'm finished with Star Doc. We'll see - I have a lot of books in my TBR pile.

My only New Year's Resolution this year, is going to be

1 - no real resolutions

2 - as many laughs as I can laugh

3 - no book challenges. just makes it feel like a job to me, and I can't stay on top of them. Rather, I'll be trying to top my number of books read this last year. I'm going to have to deduct the books left unfinished with the books actually read to see how many I really read. :) I'll be deleting some titles from my list.

That's it for me - enjoy the reading and enjoy the life as much as possible.

Happy New Year's everyone


  1. I signed up for some challenges, but much fewer than last year. And I picked the ones I thought would help me with books I already have (TBR/Chunksters) and books I'd like to explore.

    Sleeping is sometimes just what we need!


  2. I like your resolution to laugh... I need that one too.. JUST LAUGH! :)

    Love the first kitty pic of the New Years...LOL

  3. Happy New Year. I have been stuck in one book for a few weeks now. I hate it when that happens since so many other books are screaming my name.

  4. Anne - maybe it's time to go on to another book for a while. Sometimes switching helps, then later the first book is interesting again.

  5. I relax by reading :)

    Wishing you a great reading week!

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out
