pretty Covers on for contest information

There aren't many young adult books that I read. Though there are a few that I'm interested of them is a book called Never Slow Dance With a Zombie by E.Van Lowe. I've been reading his blog off and on for over a year, interested in the novel. It's been one of those novels that I've been telling myself I should buy and read, yet I forget to pick it up because I rarely go into the teen section at the bookstore. Especially NOW that the only bookstore I can go to has their teen section UP on a mezzanine style OPEN LOFT where I have to hold on to the bookshelves so I don't go flying off and over the railing to a inglorious death below....I'm a little nervous up there. I solved that problem tonight by looking the book up on line though Amazon. Ordered it, and took care of my lack of Lowe's book...and I found that he has another book out - Boyfriend From Hell (August 2011) and is releasing Earth Angel this month
E.Van Lowe - young adult author of books such as Never Slow Dancy With a Zombie is having a contest with an epic prize package.
E.Van Lowe - young adult author of books such as Never Slow Dancy With a Zombie is having a contest with an epic prize package.
The goodies include:
from E's blog: My Uncle Enoch's 1964 Zombie High, High School Year Book: This is an authentic yearbook with blood spattered pages filled with photos of the graduating class, the faculty, and of course all the teams--including the track team who had the distinction of not completing one meet the entire season. If you have any friends or family members who attended Zombie High, this is for you.
That's Not Your Mommy Anymore: Matt Mogk's illustrated children's book is a favorite at bedtime in my house because it explains to the little ones--in colored illustrations and verse--what to do when mommy starts acting strange.
Zombie Water or Juice Bottle: You can work up a tremendous thirst battling zombies. This zombie green water bottle is perfect for the zombie fighter who wants to quench his thirst and look the part while doing it.
Autographed copy of Never Slow Dance With A Zombie--this special edition autographed copy comes with a hand written Christmas greeting from the author. Any true zombie lover will want to add this to their collection of zombie paraphernalia.
Three Never Slow Dance With A Zombie Bookmarks-- Why three? Because when you're reading while fighting zombies it's easy to lose your place. Duh!
Zombie Love Button-- If you can't beat em join em. Sport this zombie pin while roaming among the zombie hordes to let them know you're not looking for a fight and would love to hang onto your braiins.
Zombie Love men's large TeeShirt--A zombie attack can come at any time--even while you're sleeping. Wear this tee shirt to bed so if you are ever dragged from your sleep by a band of marauding zombies, they will know you are a lover not a fighter.
Three Never Slow Dance With A Zombie Bookmarks-- Why three? Because when you're reading while fighting zombies it's easy to lose your place. Duh!
Zombie Love Button-- If you can't beat em join em. Sport this zombie pin while roaming among the zombie hordes to let them know you're not looking for a fight and would love to hang onto your braiins.
Zombie Love men's large TeeShirt--A zombie attack can come at any time--even while you're sleeping. Wear this tee shirt to bed so if you are ever dragged from your sleep by a band of marauding zombies, they will know you are a lover not a fighter.
Never Slow Dance With A Zombie Tote—Tired of carrying around all your zombie fighting gear in your hands? This stylish tote is perfect for carrying around all your gear and at the same time letting everyone know that you would Never Slow Dance With A Zombie.
This giveaway is available internationally
What to you have to do to enter? There are five possible entries: E's contest rules:
"The rules to enter are simple:
Everyone can have up to five entries. here's how.
you must sign up for my newsletter at E.Van Lowe. The sign up link is in the left hand column on the home page.
bonus entry if you also sign up for my blog (1 entry)
bonus II follow me on twitter (1 entry)
bonus III Like my Facebook Fan Page (1 entry)
bonus IV leave a comment on my blog telling me on whose blog you discovered the contest. (1 entry)
For those of my fans who have already done these, leave a comment on my blog and you will automatically have 5 entries.
(according to E, you can leave a comment on any post on his blog - just make sure you note which blog you came from and post your info)
Contest runs until December 16th
Drawing on December 17th.
Good luck everyone, and don't forget to mention Rabid Reader when you go enter the contest. :)
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