Monday, October 17, 2011

Tuesday Teasers, and etc.

Before I post my teasers for the week, I want to mention a writer from Australia who is working on getting a book published. So far it's being shopped around by her agent. I read an excerpt of it a while ago and loved it. There is danger, creepiness, darkness and struggle - written from the pov of a teen girl. You can read the first chapter yourself. (click on the cover). Talia Newland also reviews books and maintains a pretty interesting blog. I love that she has made a sample of her work available online and I'm hoping she gets published soon. On top of all of that, she's an artist - as in painting and creating (besides the writing - I've always considered writing an art form). Go on over, check out Tahlia's blog and excerpt of Lethal Inheritance; then leave her some feedback. I think you'll enjoy the writing - especially if you're a fan of YA urban fantasy type of fiction.

AHHHHH! Tuesday Teaser. One of my favorite weekly book memes. Hosted by MizB of ShouldBeReading, we tease each other with what we're reading, making sure to avoid spoilers.

I've read many good reviews of The Hunger Games, but since it's YA and I rarely buy YA books, I haven't yet bought a copy; to be honest, I really wasn't in to buying a copy - preferring to spend my money on either adult fiction or books by YA authors that I am already familiar with (like J.A. Campbell, Lili St.Crow, etc). But a reading teacher happened to have a copy and told me that I would absolutely LOVE it, finish it in one night. I just started it, and can't really afford to stay up all night to read, but it does seem pretty interesting... so from page 11 of The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins;

"The predators ignore us on a day when easier, tastier prey abounds. Buy late morning, we have a dozen fish, a bag of greens and, best of all, a gallon of strawberries. I found the patch a few years ago, but Gale had the idea to string mesh nets around it to keep out the animals."

I haven't read very much yet, and so far, no huge infodumps so I'm slowly learning as I read what is going on....I like it that way.

I hadn't planned on reading this series - in fact I picked up the first (Peacekeeper) on impulse almost a year after I bought the third in the series. Since I had bought the third, so long ago and tried to read it then, I really wasn't very interested. But then I found the first novel, got into it week before last, finally finished it Sunday night. Luckily, on my last book shopping trip (desultory trips since Borders shut its doors) I found the middle and Voila! Now I can't stop thinking about this series, so I'm now reading the second.

from page 46 of Vigilante by Laura E. Reeve

" 'I'm not going to let his threats rule my life, or yours. We need to be able to go about our business.' She was adamant, or at least she could act resolute, as Matt looked searchingly into her face. Internally, she was less sure."

Such an interesting series - SciFi, mystery, suspense - the works. :)

check out the author's website, all kinds of interesting background on the series available. (SciFi geeks, rejoice!)

More Tuesday Teaser fun can be found at J.A. Campbell's writerly blog, where she's teasing us with a bit from her newest novel - Summer Break Blues. (the sequel to Senior Year Bites)


  1. Great teasers! Here is mine:

  2. We both loved THE HUNGER GAMES and we are in our 50s. Enjoy! Like your black cat picture here too--black cats are very nice; I've known several.

    Here's ours:

  3. Strawberries!

    Now, I'm feeling hungry.

    Here's my teaser.
    Have a great day!
