Here we are, once again participating in the It's Monday, What Are You Reading? meme.
Those of you who have visited my blog know this is one of my favorite book memes to participate in....and then there are other times that I think, "Who Cares what the hell I'm reading"...and go all shy/emo on my own ass.
Whatever or how ever I feel, I still like to force myself to participate even when I'm feeling like nothing I have to say makes a difference. (LOL - I was one of those kids raised to be seen and not heard from one side and spent a lot of time just listening to the other side....nothing like we raised our kids, or our grandkids are being raised, thank goodness!) So once again, I'm putting in my contribution - whether it matters of not.

It's Monday(....) is hosted by Sheila of Book Journey. Full guidelines are availble at her site; partial guidelines include listing what we've read the previous week, what we are currently reading (that's for the "what are you reading" portion of the title) and sometimes what we're planning to read. My plans rarely stay on target because I suffer (haha, it's not really suffering) from B.A.D.D. which makes it hard for me to concentrate on only one book, or sometimes to even stick to one book. Sometimes I'm currently reading more than five books, and yet can only recall a few at any given time. (whew! there must be way too much info in my brain!) :)
Regardless of what's going on in my own personal book world, there is a weekly contest that ties in with this weekly meme. For every ten participating blogs that you visit, you earn an entry for a book giveaway. Full guidelines are found at Book Journey.
I seem to be going on and on, so I'll get on with the reading list.
I am Currently Reading
Valor's Trial by Tanya Huff
"by" is such a strange looking little word, isn't it?
Birthday Books from my boys and the spouse!
$20 here, $20 there, between the men in the family I was able to go book shopping...unfortunately the books I was looking for weren't there, and out of all those books on the shelves, not many caught my eye....So I went for a few new and a few older novels and I still have $20 put aside for a couple of ppb's this summer.
I've heard many good things about Kevin Hearne, so I picked out the first two of his novels. Now I expect some laughs! I've never heard of Pariah, but teenager walks among zombies without being hassled by them...interesting.
After reading all the Tanya Huff SciFi books that I can (the next one is in hardback, too expensive for me at this time), I'm still on a Sci-Fi kick. And it can't just be any SciFi - nope, it needs to have a strong female lead and space travel.....these books by Elizabeth Moon seem like they'll do. And, there's a series of them - around five or six. :)
Great reads!!! Have fun reading this week... and yes, "by" is a funny little word... any word I stare at too long looks odd...LOL
ReplyDeleteI've seen that Diana Rowland book around a bit and have been wondering whether it's any good. I hope you enjoy it!
ReplyDeleteHope you have a fabulous reading week and if you get a second stop my to see what I've been reading at There's A Book! :)
Hey Mardel!
ReplyDeleteI found you over at Lisa's site, Lisa's World of Books. You had posted a comment with questions about her move and as the one helping Lisa over, I know the answer to all questions above and thought I'd take the time to answer them for you! (I would have sent an e-mail, but couldn't find how to contact you.)
There is special things you have to do in order to keep the followers and for them to continue to see your feed, but it is very simple and doesn't take long at all.
See, I moved over because of Blogger issues myself, for a very similar reason actually, and it is one of the best things I have ever done. In the past 1,5 weeks, I've helped 5 friends moving as well (including Lisa) and it's a very fast process. If not counting the actual customizing of your site, you can have it moved within 30 minutes!
Like I said, keeping your followers is extremely easy once knowing what to do. As is moving the feed and redirecting your Blogger URL to your new WordPress one.
The thing is that we aren't talking about, which many people think. Since it's their free option you are limited in about everything, and I definitely wouldn't recommend it.
However, me and those friends I've helped, have our own domain hosts. This one we have has a wonderful option of clicking for and automatic installation that's done within 5 minutes! The only thing you have to pay is the domain host though and for the features you get, it is definitely worth it.
You can post a picture center, left and right. With option left and right, the text goes along the side of it, so no worries. (An example can be seen in this post with the text on the side of pictures to both left and right. | An example post from a friend with full text and one picture without enter separation.)
I have created a Moving Guide ( for how to proceed, for those wanting information and to try themselves. I'm also happy to help people who wants to sit down in a chat and get personal directions.
I've done this myself and know how scary it is! But after 6 moves total, I know how to do it. Any issues occurring, I've also fixed easily!
Please feel free to contact me for questions or help! I definitely don't mind helping out with my experience!
Rebecca at kindle fever
Mail: admin [at]
Contact form
Rebecca - thanks very much. I have been thinking hard about moving my blog. if it's a paying thing then that'll have to wait until the job picks back up, but in the meantime it's good to know there's someone to get advice from - so thanks very much for getting in touch. :)
ReplyDeleteYou're very welcome! Like I said; I know how it is not knowing about the move and want to help making it easier for others interested. :)
ReplyDeleteIt's not too expensive, so I definitely recommend it when you have the money. The host I use myself (Tiger Tech; found in the guide) only costs $7.95 per month if you pay monthly and a dollar less per month if you pay annually. Just so you get an idea.
If you decide to at a later time, you're welcome to contact me with questions and I have no problem with helping out if needed. :)