Currently Reading:

I'm continuing to read Bitter Angels, although I have to say it's taken a backseat to Devon Monk's book (c'mon, it's Devon Monk!) I haven't gotten very far into it, but I can tell I'm going to like it. It's spaceships, war, futuristic, all things I enjoy in a good book. C.L. Anderson is the author, also known as Sarah Zettel. Writing Sci-Fi under C.L. Anderson and writing as Sarah Zettel...Sci-Fi also...
Recently Picked Up:

I bought Kelley Armstrong's Frostbitten in paperback. I kind of like the new covers they have going for Armstrong's books. Frostbitten features Clay and Elena, although the blurb makes it sound like Elena has a choice of men, like she's still looking around...In the last Elena/Clay book they were married and had twins, for god's sakes. To the people who write blurbs...Some of us are okay buying books where there aren't love triangles, and the main characters are actually already married with children. It's okay, the story is sound, it's still paranormal, they still are pretty kick-ass characters... lay off the tintillating blurbs...give us readers a little credit.
On a complete unfounded impulse, I bought Trolls in the Hamptons by Celia Jerome. I read the blurb...a graphic novelist has one of her characters seem to come to life......and although there is already mentions of HAWT men, and attractions...I'm hoping that the blurb is another case of the publishers exaggerating the romance to tease us gullible readers, who of course, are really only looking for sexxing up in the books.....which we could get just walking through the romance section and NOT THE SCIENCE FICTION SECTION WHERE I WISH WE COULD COUNT ON THE BOOKS REALLY BEING SCI-FI, OR FANTASY AND NOT...YOU, KNOW...FANTASY-SEX.... sorry, went off on a mini rant there for a small minute. I am kind of afraid it's going to read like a mix of chick-lit and paranormal romance, complete with throbbing areas, and many thoughts of how hawt someone is....I'm hoping the book really is a nice urban fantasy with minimal......OMG-SO-HAWT=....

On a complete unfounded impulse, I bought Trolls in the Hamptons by Celia Jerome. I read the blurb...a graphic novelist has one of her characters seem to come to life......and although there is already mentions of HAWT men, and attractions...I'm hoping that the blurb is another case of the publishers exaggerating the romance to tease us gullible readers, who of course, are really only looking for sexxing up in the books.....which we could get just walking through the romance section and NOT THE SCIENCE FICTION SECTION WHERE I WISH WE COULD COUNT ON THE BOOKS REALLY BEING SCI-FI, OR FANTASY AND NOT...YOU, KNOW...FANTASY-SEX.... sorry, went off on a mini rant there for a small minute. I am kind of afraid it's going to read like a mix of chick-lit and paranormal romance, complete with throbbing areas, and many thoughts of how hawt someone is....I'm hoping the book really is a nice urban fantasy with minimal......OMG-SO-HAWT=....

That was it, until I went to Marshall's, a discount clothing store to look for pants. For some reason I ended up in the infant section, where there were a few toys and socks, caps, blankets, infant assorted items and there were books. There was a hardback copy of Rachel Hawkins' Hex Hall, and a paperback copy of What the Dickens b

I haven't entered very many book giveaway contests lately, because I've been mentally very lazy, and I have a lot of books that I haven't got around to reading in my TBR pile, AND I feel like I've been pretty blessed with a couple of friends giving me books, and winning a few in the last two years around my birthday. So I didn't want to be a cosmic book-winner hog, you know? But I recently read about a book that seemed very interesting - twisty, and different and I very much wanted to read it. Then I saw that there was a giveaway contest on Sara's Urban Fantasy Blog, and on a whim I went ahead and entered, not expecting really, to win. But I did win...and I'm feeling a little excited, because I'm going to get to read it! It's Greyfriar by Clay and Susan Griffith. Panama is mentioned in the book. You know how often you hear mentions of Panama in novels? very rarely. I am very happy to know that I'm getting this book. 

You really scored this week with the book buying. I love checking out Marshall's book bin because they always have some great buys. Have a wonderful week.
ReplyDeleteI hadn't heard of What the Dickens. Thanks for the info.
ReplyDeleteI love that this meme can make your MOnday a little less.... Monday! :) I am totally drooling over What The Dickens - why did I not know about this one???? Love that cover!
ReplyDeleteOoh, the photos are fabulous! And the books look tempting, too. Hope you enjoy them.
ReplyDeleteHere's my Monday:
I received for review "Lodestone Book One: The Sea of Storms" by Mark Whiteway from the author.