TEASER TUESDAYS hosted by Miz B at Should be Reading.
When I first started my blog, I had no idea what I was doing, had no real goal, and had NO idea what I was in for. There were many, many internet terms that I just didn't understand, like Meme, TSTL, LOL, LOFLAO, etc. I even asked in a comment at a popular blog for someone to explain TSTL, but NO-One answered. I figured that we weren't supposed to ask questions? Now I realize that the blogger probably didn't even read her comments - or at least read comments of people that weren't her regulars. It wasn't till way later, that I heard the - ahem, read the term's explanation in a completely different blog.
- As for the goal of my blog, well the real reason I set up my blogger blog, was to be able to comment on someone's blog - I think it was Lost In Books. She was also the first person to comment or even respond to me on my Rabid Reader Blog.
- I figured out what a Meme was after reading many, many different examples of a weekly meme. It hasn't been until recently that I started participating on a regular basis, because I really don't feel like anyone cares what I have to say. It's a weird blend of humble/shy and a bit of my mom's teaching - "don't bring attention to yourself"
- The only reason I started my LJ (live journal) blog was to comment on a certain blog community that wasn't happy with a certain book series. I got a lot of laughs from that particular place. For the longest time the only person that would comment on any of my posts was phoenixfirewolf, who is a writer that is working on getting published. She also reads my occasional epic e-mail and anwers back. Amazing. Concentrates on YA fantasy fiction- very good writer also and has been a great online friend.
- I've been fortunate also, Suzanne McLeod also puts up with epic e-mails from me and actually writes back. If it weren't for the blogs that I've tried to maintain, I would never have even found out about Ms McLeods book, or read them (they're SO GOOD) - or even have thought about maintaining a kind of online-write-to-each-other friendship. It's so amazing - She lives in England and writes such great books and takes the time out of her schedule to write to me, answer questions, etc.
- I've "met" a few very nice people online that have made me glad I didn't give up blogging after the first few attempts I made that went horribly wrong. :) And I appreciate their (your) comments, even though I wish I was better at commenting on everyone's blogs myself. I try, but at the moment have limited time sitting in a chair, doing things with my arms.....yeah.
It's been about two years for my LJ blog, and over a year for this blog. My LJ blog has become my place to post pics of my grandchildren (usually set to friends only) and more personal things as well as book reviews. This blog has become my main book blogging site. I never had any goals or visions of large following, etc. But I've watched my blog go from 3 followers, (for real - THREE) to eleven followers (at which point I became a little nervous! remember, I'm basically socially retarded and extremely shy - I used to use my own children as social sheilds). I now have 39 followers, and am very surprised at that. I try to write reviews as soon as I get a book written, although I haven't been able to read as fast as I would like. I've also tried to do a few of the weekly memes tht make the rounds on the net, but have found that there are three that I like the most, and try to do with semi-regularity - It's Mondy, Teaser Tuesday, and Feel Good Friday. All fun Memes.
I took a chance the other day and signed up at a writer's blogs, expressing interest in reviewing urban fantasy books - figuring that I wouldn't really get any bites on that. In fact, the first time I ever had a book given to me for review, was Strange Angels (Lili St. Crow) and I promised to review it on Amazon. I did, in fact I read the book in two days - It was GREAT! I posted the review on my blogs and Amazon. I am embarrassed now, because I recently checked for the review, and there is no review under my name on Amazon for Strange Angels. In fact, I checked a few of the books that I reviewed in that time period, and there's quite a few missing. Makes me look like a flake. (the other book was Blue Diablo by Ann Aguirre, and some others) This is probably why when I wrote to the same person about Betrayals I didn't even get a reply. Maybe it has nothing to do with this, but it's possible. I really did write a review and post it Strange Angels publicist - REALLY! In fact, I remember double checking everything because it was the first review I've done on Amazon.
Well, I figured I would be LUCKY to get a reponse, based on my blog following, etc. I was contacted the other day to review books by Kelley Armstrong and Marjorie M Liu. They were wondering if I was interested. WAS I INTERESTED!?! YOU BET!!! I received a trade sized ppb ARC for Kelley Armstrong's Waking the Witch. I am feeling fortnunate and pretty happy that I get to read it...soon. In fact I've planned to read it right after I'm done with Unholy Ghosts.
Unholy Ghosts by Stacia Kane
(such a GOOD book)
urban fantasy
available now (my current read)
page 262
"The larger jar contained an infusion of herbs; the other a mixture of inert salt and her own menstrual blood, which all women in the Church were required to save and share with the men.
Chess would have saved it anyway; the blood was too powerful-potent for both positive and negative spells-to simply discard."
WOW! What if WE had to save our own....yeah.

From Waking the Witch by Kelley Armstrong
ARC version (I hope to be reading by tomorrow)
h/b available 8/03/10
from page 5, chapter one
"I started a cover spell, but Tina had already spotted me. I considered a knockback spell-make her trip and give me time to escape. But that would, sadly, not be a good way to launch me week playing a reponsible adult."
Savannah is and adult now! her own book. Can't wait to read the rest! :)
The bad thing about Teaser Tuesday - seeing a whole bunch of new books you want to read! Thanks for the teasers!
ReplyDeleteMine are here -
First, while I am mostly a YA reader these two teaser sound intriguing. Second, I am like you when it comes to writing reviews, I have trouble if I don't do it right away. third I was in the dark on many of the communities various protocols, and pretty much am still learning as I go, so I can definitely relate.
ReplyDeleteI spend a lot of effort commenting on various blogs especially on the memes, and I am now attempting to spend more time reading other's reviews and commenting there too in the hopes that those I frequent will comment on my blog too. sometimes I spend so much time commenting that I neglect to read or write. I only wish more bloggers were as conscientious. Good post!
Fantastic Teasers :)
ReplyDeleteCongrats too!
Felicia @ Geeky Bloggers Book Blog
Great teasers! I am so looking forward to Waking the Witch. I pre-ordered my copy yesterday. I haven't tried Stacia Kane and the teaser was kind of yucky. I'll have to try her when I can see over the top of my TBR stack. My teaser is from Knightley Academy by Violet Haberdasher. Happy reading!
ReplyDeleteGreat teaser! I hope you will check out mine for Stephanie Meyer's latest novel The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner! Also, if you check back on my blog this Friday I have huge news about the novels I had been submitting to agents/publishers!
Emma Michaels
Personally like the rambling myself because just like the rest of us it proves you are 1. Human and 2. Curious about things that maybe others take for granted. Personally I hate using abbreviations, LOL, but make exceptions on blog comments because rather than using certain words the "short version" allow me to say them without actually "saying them"!!!
ReplyDeleteI am very jealous, kidding, very happy that both the reps for Liu and Armstrong thought it would be good to let you review for them. Lots of times they are looking for a "smaller blogger" so to speak because know they will be hungry for more books to review!!!
Nice teasers and have a good week, don't worry about not always commenting everywhere else your life and health come first!!!
jackie b
Housewife Blues and Chihuahua Stories
Thanks everyone! I'm testing out a link instruction here. Thanks to a sweet fellow blogger
ReplyDeleteunless I typed it wrong, there should be an actual link now.