Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Waiting on Wednesday

Happy St.Patrick's Day, for those of you who participate in the pinching, wearing green and swillin' brew. (I don't - not Irish, that I know of)
I will wear green in self-defense though :(

A reminder- whenever possible I put links on the covers of books I post about to excerpts of the books, where there is an excerpt possible. Otherwise, there will be links to the book's author site. That is, when I remember.....

There are quite a few books I'm looking forward to. Three of them are by authors I've already read, but two are brand new to me. There's really way more than five books that I'm looking forward to buying in the future, but I'm only listing five here. I could go on and on, but that would make a hugely long post. (which I tend to do anyway) :)

One of my favorite writers, Suzanne McLeod's third book is coming out in September 2010. Now I think this is the British release date - I'm not sure when it'll be released in the United States. I'm not waiting though! :) However, her first two books will be released in the United States soon. The first one, The Sweet Scent of Blood will be released in April 27th, 2010 although you can buy it right now, the UK edition with free postage from the Book Depository.
It might benefit the writer more though if readers in the United States wait until April for her book. Maybe, I'm not sure how all those booksales go when you're selling in two or more countries. Do yourself a favor though, pick up these books one way or another, they are good.

But, back to her third book, I enjoyed the first two so much I just know the third one is going to be great. The main character is a fae, living in London where Vampires have recently come out of the closet with a huge public relations plan. They are treated like movie stars. Genny (main character) works with witches, helping people keep magic from damaging businesses, houses, plans, selves, etc. She is not as impressed with or trusting of the vampires as the general public is. With good reason. This series has a lot of fun characters - nyads, vampires, witches, pixies, satyrs, etc. A nice mix of legends and contemporary life in London.

Excerpts of the first two books in the series are posted on Suzanne McLeod's website, so you can get a taste of what you're missing so far (if you haven' read these yet), and what you have to look forward too. I'm hoping that an excerpt will be up for The Bitter Seed of Magic soon. Most likely.

Another book I'm really looking forward to is Ghosts & Echoes by Lyn Benedict coming out April 27th, 2010 (the same day as The Sweet Scent of Blood!). The first book, Sins and Shadows, was pretty kick-ass. The heroine was so full of rage - I loved it - (the rage, sometimes I love a good rage). Lyn Benedict also writes fantasy as Lane Robins. I have to admit I havent' read her other series yet. But I'm planning on buying Ghosts & Echoes when it comes out.

Sylvie Lightener is a private investigator who has beend dealing with werewolves, demons and even some of the "old gods". She's not too happy with her ability to see or sense the supernatural. She doesn't really have any liking or respect for the gods, other than a kind of respect for the damage they can do. Good reading to look forward to.

And now, one of the new to me author, Kalayna Price. This is one of those authors that I stumbled upon late one night while I was looking for books - much like I found out about Suzanne McLeod. I love finding out about writers like this. And like Suzanne McLeod, Kalayna Price has excerpts of her books up for reading. Except....there isn't yet an excerpt up for Grave Witch. I was able to read excerpts of her other two novels though (Once Bitten and Twice Dead), from a different series and I liked the writing style, so I'm betting that this first book in a new series will be just as good. Her first series is about Vampires and this new series - well as you can tell by the title involves witches. In fact, the main character is a grave witch (can speak with the dead) and knows Death, (per the synopsis, Death looks great in a pair of jeans). Alex Craft is not only a grave witch, she's a private investigator.

Most of you have probably heard of Kelly Gay, as she released her debut novel (The Better Part of Darkness) in November 2009. (if you haven't heard of it, where have you been?) I read it and enjoyed it very much. This series has an alternate Atlanta, Georgia. One with beings from two other dimensions that resemble heaven and hell. Charlie Madigan is a police officer that has died, and came back to life with some strange powers, which give her a needed edge when dealing with criminal supernaturals. The twist is that this character is not a twenty-something never-been-married girl- she's a divorcee with a teenage daughter, which brings up a whole other set of issues at times.

The Darkest Edge of Dawn will be coming out August 31, 2010, but already has a very cool cover. Kelly Gay is also a new member of The League of Reluctant Adults, a collection of snarky and quirky authors who write some pretty good books.

The last book tonight is titled Don't Kill the Messenger by Eileen Rendahl. This is also set in a world of vampires and other beings. The main character is a messenger between supernaturals, and also works in a hospital. The vamps are not out of the closet in this one (I don't think). I read the excerpt and it seems promising. I like the title also. Eileen Rendahl also writes "chick lit" and romantic suspense as Eileen Carr. I love when writers are confident about letting their pseudonyms known. It's like you have twice the books to choose from, when you like a writer's style.

I've stayed up way too late, again. It's not good for me. So off to bed, because I know I'm going to regret it in the morning while I'm trying to wake up. Of course, last night I tried to go to bed at 1 a.m. and laid there for at least two hours before dropping off. I hate that. I should have just stayed up and read some of Church Folk. Of course, I'm not even the remotist bit sleepy right now. Not one bit.


  1. I have the last one, but I want to read the rest on your list as well. I hope that you will enjoy them.Here's mine

  2. Wow you really do have a lot to look forward to. I like all these.

  3. Me again! stopped by to let you know I have given you a blog award. Stop by to check it out.
