Wednesday, May 1, 2013

April Round Up

 This is really my dog, and the beautiful curtains I used to have....before my grandchildren and the dogs kind to them.  between the couch being pushed against the curtains, the grandchildren playing IN the curtains, and the animals getting caught up in the curtains....they didn't last long.  Now I just hang an old sheet from the hem - works just as well, and I didn't have to spend forty bucks on a set of curtains that are just going to get treated too rough.  I'll wait until the grandchildren are a little older....  ;)  Oh yeah, and my dog really does sit like this - all the time and for rather long periods of time.  You can even walk into a room where there is NO ONE else, and find him just sitting like that.  Randomly.  He's random.

It occurs to me that I've never done one of those end of month summaries of books read - much less end of year summary (hahaha, as if I'd ever be that prepared...)  Seems like it might be myself.  ;)  So I'm starting this for April, 2013.
April Books in alpha order

American Vampire (Jennifer Armintrout, UF) ***** 
Boyfriend from Hell (Jamie Quaid, UF) ****
The Burn Zone (James K Decker, SciFi) ******
Clean (Alex Hughes, SciFi) *****
Hex Hall (Rachel Hawkins, YA/UF) ****
Midnight Blue-Light Special (Seanan McGuire, UF) *****
(I usually rate up to six stars.  Five if they're pretty good, six if I Love it Lots, four if it's good...and so on)
Short Stories

Brown Goes Full Steam Ahead (J.A. Campbell, fantasy) from Penny Dread Tales 3  = loved it

Notable Children's Books
Are The Dinosaurs Dead, Dad? (Julie Middleton)
Claude in the City (Alex T Smith)
Pete The Cat: Rocking In My School Shoes  ( Eric Litwin and James Dean, illustrator)
I know I've read way more children's books - but I don't keep track of them.  Maybe I should, especially since I'm finding that I have to ask each class..."have we read this book yet?" before I read to them.  lol.  Nothing like getting forgetful with a room full of books to read to children. :)


  1. Great end of month post and I love the pic of your dog. Such a cutie! AS for books read, I share in a few of your children's titles (and enjoyed them as well!) and the list goes on. Such is the life of a reader. ^_^ Happy reading!

    1. Which of the children's titles? There are some picture books that I think I enjoy way more than the kids I'm reading them to enjoy. ;)
