it's been a busy week. the normal work week; along with me getting the oh so bright idea of going into work an hour and a half early so I could volunteer in my granddaughter's classroom....
this wouldn't have been so traumatic, but then this also happened to be the night that the kinders, 1st, and 2nd graders were performing in the Winter Showcase. ahhhh - this started at 6 p.m. and ended when it last job of the day ended at five thirty, so i had a half hour to walk back down to the multipurpose room and snag a seat. no such luck. the room was standing room only at the back and sides - the seats were completely taken. completely. ahhhh - if it weren't for this being my first granddaughter's very first performance i would have left. I was in so much pain from the cold and work - but i put on my big-girl panties (what a term!) and just handled it.
i would have posted a pic of the kids on stage, but i don't think it's okay to post pics with other kids without permission from all the parents, so you get a pic of the granddaughter in her glory. she chose to wear her flower girl dress, with the neckalace from x-mas. she was beautiful - all the kids did a great job singing and reciting their two poems, and i could swear that i could hear her voice over the rest of the class - it was blended in, but recognizable. not one shy moment from her - she got on stage with her class and belted out the song. all the kids had strong voices and carried the tune very well. so proud of them.
when i finally made it home, i was in some extreme pain (helped by pain meds, thank god) - but i would totally do it again. volunteering for the class was fun - working at a table with the kids, helping them understand their assignment - all fun. then watching the performance with so many kids that i deal with on a daily basis between library, lunch supervision and daycare - so much fun also, amplified with my granddaughter being part of this.
Well - On to the Book Meme...
It's Monday, What Are You Reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Sheila of Book Journey. We "get together" and see what others have been reading - finished reading, and are reading. It's fun. It's easy. It's a good thing to do.
I didn't get a whole lot of books finished, but I did finally finish....
Ghosts & Echoes by Lyn Benedict...good story, grew on me as I got further along.

I finished reading The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian by Sherman Alexie - a VERY good young adult novel written diary style with accompanying cartoons great book, tackling issues such as alchololism, family disfunction, racism, stereotyping, sex and other things that teens go through on a daily basis.
I had a little more finished than I though I did...
currently reading...
I also used my last gift card to buy a few books at Barnes & Nobel. Not sure which book I'll pick out to read yet - while putting one book away, I ended up completely rearranging a book shelf of mine, which of course led to pulling books from two other shelves, as well as moving the stack from my bedroom shelf onto an actual book shelf. Really - a stack on my bedroom floor? Yup - for reals. The books from the bookstore giftcard were...
Scorch (#2) by Gina Damico, DeathLands Nemesis by James Axler (confusing, is it really no 1 or no 10? as all the other DeathLands books seem to be numbered - whatever, it was hard to find online), God Save The Queen by Kate Locke and Disappearing Nightly by Laura Resnick (the first in a series that I've been trying to find ever since I bought the unclearly marked second of the series). I'm kind of leaning toward reading God Save The Queen.
Going through some of my shelves was an exciting way to 'rediscover' some of the books I've been wanting to find - some that i've been wanting to read for a while, some that i've bought and FORGOTTEN that I bought (like Tin Swift by Devon Monk - it's here. I don't remember buying it, but it's here!) Might be a good reason to go over the bookshelves - rediscovering books you forgot you've bought. oh boy.
What are you reading, and what are you planning..?
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