We're off on a seemingly endless summer vacation....and before you know it - it's that time again. That time when I dread the Mondays, because Mondays are once again heralding the beginning a of long work week...An This Monday !!!
This monday I am not only looking forward to the first work week of the school year, but I'm doing it while suffering from my first summer cold....and some woman pluming problems that seemed to be over, but reared it's ugly head once again....but that's TMI territory - except it seems to be mainly women who visit these blogs, so then again....you'll know what I'm talking about.
I almost wasn't going to post tonight, but I've missed a lot of Monday Posts, so here I am
It's Monday, What Are You Reading? is hosted by Miz Sheila of Book Journey. Full guidelines are available at her site, but just in case you haven't ever been to one of these memes... We visit each other, posting a link on Sheila's Mr. Linky page - our posts are full of what we've finished reading the past week, what we're currently reading and sometimes what we plan to read. I don't always do the plan to read bit, because I'll list a few books that i really think I'm going to get to and frequently end up reading a book that I haven't even thought about for months, or even a year! I'm very disorganized that way. *g* Then again - this is all for fun, no one is policing us, we haven't signed any contracts that we're breaking, etc. :)

Currently Reading -
That's it for now, not feeling that great and I've been dozing off and on all day - so of course, now that it's night time, I can not sleep. small whine here - and I'm achy all over...end of whine. Hopefully this cold will be short and sweet. Poor grandchildren, my weekend with them, my son had to work all weekend, spouse was housesitting for another son so the little ones had a slightly cranky sick grandma to take care of them. They were pretty good though - stayed where they were supposed to stay - kept each other occupied, kept randomly coming up to give me hugs and say they love me - couldn't ask for sweeter grandchildren, but I was glad when they went home on Sunday. I leave you with another LOL Cat - enjoy the coming week
I've been doing a similar thing with books this week, flitting around them, trying to see what grabs me. I have so many I have started and am yet to finish. I know I will sometime!
ReplyDeleteHope you're feeling better soon.:)
I was always a little ADD about my books (I call it BADD) but I usually still managed to at least read two a week. It's been more like finish two one week, then none the next...and so on. Must be my age and all the distractions....yeah, that's it. :)
DeleteDon't remind me that summer is almost over ... then fall...then winter ugh.
ReplyDeleteSchool!!! are your kids starting school soon? Already? or do they have a more sane schedule, like September? California schools are all over the place with their school schedules.
DeleteI'm beginning to hate winter because of the arthritis and spinal stenosis - not fun in the cold weather, and I used to LOVE winter. Such a beautiful season, with the varying shades of gray and silver in the sky, the rain, the coming renewal of the plants, etc.
Oh, hope you feel better soon! Sometimes it's hard to get into our reading....
Me TOO! definitely fighting some sort of cold - throat is burning, cough is, well - coughing!
Deleteand my job is beginning soon...
Loving the LOLcat, that's a good one ;) Funny that you mention a palate cleansing novel...that is what I call them too. (And I think I need one soon!)
ReplyDeleteHave a great week of reading!
haha - yep! funny how people in different parts of the country or world all come up with similar or same concepts. Lots of similar minds. Wonder if we'll see more and more people using this phrase for between books. :)
DeleteThat cat picture made me snort :) Happy reading this week :)
ReplyDeleteWhatcha readin' this week @ the Brunette Librarian :)
I love LOL catz - I use a lot from the website, and once in a while I even come up with my own caption - but it's not easy to think up funny captions, especially when compared with what I see on the site. Some people seem to have a real gift for seeing funny situation and the words that work with them.
DeleteHope you're feeling better and have found a read that's taken your fancy. How are you finding The Scorpio Races, it's one I want to get to sooner rather than later.
ReplyDeleteHave to say I loathe winter so every time I see a mention of summer coming to an end in the northern hemisphere I get all excited as it means we're that much closer to being done with winter here!!
Happy reading :)
That's right - you're in Australia? or New Zealand? I really get a trip from being able to communicate essentially within seconds with people from Australia, New Zealand, England, Panama (Central America). My mom and her side of the family live in Panama - that's thousands of miles away, with a different season time line also. They have their winter in our summer also - but their winter is warm with many thunderstorms and daily rains - rain like monsoon type of rains. Rains that makes your windshield wipers beg you to leave them alone!
DeleteI've just barely started the Scorpio Races, but the author writes well - interesting. I'm also reading Gunmetal Magic - there's nothing like a good Ilona Andrews novel - once I start on those, I usually end up focusing on it. I had temporarily forgotten I have it. I blame the fever. must have affected my brain, lol. I think after Gunmetal Magic, it'll be time for that Palate Cleanser novel - onc that has nothing at all to do with SciFi, Magic or fantasy of any kind. Straight up fiction. We'll see - but I will finish The Scorpio Races within two weeks, because I'm interested in it. I'll try to review as fast as I can. Almost caught up on all the reviews I haven't posted...
What are your winters like? are you in a snowy region or rainy region?