Engaging the Enemy
Vatta's War #3
Elizabeth Moon
Science Fiction
Engaging the Enemy is my favorite out of the Vatta's War series so far. Ky has obtained a ship from an exiled piratical relative, and she is continuing her plan to gather reinforcements to fight the pirates that seem to have caused so much death and tragedy to so many systems.
Stella's personality continues to emerge. Toby is revealed as a tech whiz, and Rafe continues to be an interesting almost friend - a friend you can't quite trust yet.
The best part is the alternating pov between Ky and Grace - the aunt that has been staying under everyone's radar as a dotty old lady who is obsessed with baking horrific fruitcakes. This woman is almost a one woman security force. There are some great scenes between her and one of Ky's former commanders in the academy-MacRobert.
Stella and Ky have decided to set up temporary headquarters for the family business (they've been unable to communicate with the home planet) and are trying to bring in any family business ships that are still out trading. Stella proves herself to be excellent at this side of the business. Ky continues with her part, strategy and providing some safety to whomever she can. Some allies come her way and after a tragedy involving pirates, she ends up with two other captains who will follow her.
The characters - all the other system characters, spacedock staff, etc. are dramaticlly difficult or judgemental, yet I still find this to be an interesting series. I have enjoyed this particular novle much more than the first two, which I had fun reading - especially the emerging personality and force of "batty" ol' Aunt Grace. If only we could all be so tough and sneaky at that age as she is portrayed. :)
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