Ever since I first found out how to browse for books on the internets (seriously? about five - maybe six years ago - I just got internet in my own apartment in 2006 for the first time ever!) I've been trying to find a book called Vulnerable by Amy Lane. Now I knew that I could order it online (mostly used), but I kept trying to find it in bookstores. Then I kept getting other books that are pretty exciting and very much wanted by me from Borders or Barnes and Nobles in person....but I kept thinking about Vulnerable. I read the blurb about it a year or two before I read the first Anita Blake novel. I was just beginning to get interested in fantasy and horror books. At the time there weren't any books called urban fantasy -or at least they weren't marked with Urban Fantasy on the spine of the book. Just paranormal, paranormal romance, and horror or science fiction/fantasy. At any rate, the book description really stuck with me. Except at the time, I wasn't ordering things online (not comfortable with it yet) - so I kept looking for it in the bookstores. Well, it never showed up, but once in awhile I'd look up the price again. For awhile, the sites I looked at all had the book (and the sequels) listed for over $20 for used trade paperbacks. I wasn't into spending that much on any book, unless it was a brand new hardback by Terry Pratchett.
After an extremely dry book-buying spell from June to November this year, I started buying books again. I went a little loony-tunes buying books. I'm still buying a book or two any chance I get. So the other night, I knew I still had a few dollars in my bank account and I capriciously looked up Vulnerable again. It was being offered for $14+ change at The Book Depository, (where the customer does NOT have to pay postage/shipping). I ordered it. I'm kind of stoked that I'm finally going to be able to read it. I've read a few reviews over the years, and almost every reviewer had good things to say about the book. Any day now, it's going to come in the mail.

After an extremely dry book-buying spell from June to November this year, I started buying books again. I went a little loony-tunes buying books. I'm still buying a book or two any chance I get. So the other night, I knew I still had a few dollars in my bank account and I capriciously looked up Vulnerable again. It was being offered for $14+ change at The Book Depository, (where the customer does NOT have to pay postage/shipping). I ordered it. I'm kind of stoked that I'm finally going to be able to read it. I've read a few reviews over the years, and almost every reviewer had good things to say about the book. Any day now, it's going to come in the mail.
Of course I'm already planning on where I'm going to order the two sequels from if I like the first book. Because there are two sequels- Wounded and Bound.

<------- The second book
The third book ------->
I'm pretty sure that I'm going to like Vulnerable. I'm too lazy to look for it now, but I do vaguely remember (remember - years ago) reading an excerpt of Vulnerable and thinking I liked Amy Lane's writing style. I've also read her blog, Yarning to Write; "Knitting, Motherhood, whatever", a few times and she's got quite a sense of humor. I love when people and parents can write about kids and normal everyday situations in such a way that others can laugh. I appreciate humor in life, it's important not to take parenthood TOO seriously. (it's either laugh or cry, and laughing is better most of the time). Amy Lane also has a blog called Green's Hill where I learned that she is mostly self-published (over 6 books out), an eighth grade teacher and she just finished the manuscript to Rampant - which will be the fourth book of the Little Goddess Series (the books mentioned above) after Bound.

I also found myself in the bookstore the other night and found Flesh Circus by Lilith Saintcrow. This is the fourth Jill Kismet book. I've only read the first, Night Shift. I liked it a lot so I bought the second book in the series when it came out, Hunter's Prayer. I started it, misplaced it, found it, moved from an apartment to a house - so it was packed up for a while, unpacked it a few months ago, and then lost it again. When I misplaced it recently I wasn't too worried, because I had other interesting books to read...but in the meantime the NEXT TWO BOOKS in the series have been released. I have re-found Hunter's Prayer and am reading it now. I'm almost halfway throught it. Then I will read Redemption Alley, and THEN the book I just bought - Flesh Circus. Flesh Circus strikes me a slightly gruesome title.
Hunter's Prayer will count towards my 2010 countdown challenge for 2008, at least. It's a good thing afterall that I haven't read it yet. Right?
Another book I ended up buying is called Confessions of a Demon. Now it sounds like a True Confessions kind of thing, but we'll see. The book kind of just jumped out at me, much like the first Kate Daniel's book (Magic Bites) and the first Ann Aguirre book (Grimpspace), in that I had never heard of those writers before, or seen their books on the blogasphere, but when I went to the bookstore, their books kind of stood out, forcing me to buy them. With those books, I haven't regretted buying them. Maybe the same will be for this book. I haven't heard anything at all about this author, or this book before tonight. S.L. Wright is the author. I looked her up and she's written some Star Trek novels, a book called Slave Trade, A Georgia O'Keefe art book and one called Destination Mars under the name Susan Wright. (I should have known....lately some of those initialed names are pen names - M.L. Hanover, DD Barant, S.L. Wright....) I still hope it's a good book.
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