Rebecca of Lost In Books was kind enough to award me this award. The following text is from her blog in explanation of the award.
"Being a recipient of this award affirms that this blog invests and believes in the Proximity - nearness in space, time and relationships. This blog receives this great awar as a further way to re-iterate that it is exceedingly charming, and aims to find and be friends. They are not interested in prized or self-aggrandizement! Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers!"
I think it's very generous of Rebecca to award me an award. I'm not sure that I deserve it: Especially since I just tend to muddle along, sometimes not posting much of anything. You should see my other blog, I tend to whine a bit on that one. This one I try to keep only for writing my thoughts on books that I have read or am reading. It's funny to me (in a good way) that I received this from her, especially when I read the part about "not interested in prizes or self aggrandizement". Which is certainly true on my part. I tend to keep things simple for my blog. The only prizes I have been interested in are the books I'm trying to win from a few contests! :)
I am, on the other hand completely amazed at all the book blogs that are out there. It seems to be a work of art to me, all that people put into their blogs, the things they think of, the imagination they use to keep their blogs so interesting. I really think mine is a little simple and boring, but then again, I just kind of started this as a little computer hobby anyway.
Anyway, thanks Rebecca, I think you are one of the sweetest bloggers around. You seem to have a lot of respect for people, as well as compassion. I always enjoy lurking about on your blog and reading what's on your mind, and about the books you are reading. I'm totally amazed at how much, and with the variety that you read.
There are a lot of other blogs that I've been lurking on, such as;
Those are just some of the blogs I've been lurking around on. They are all interesting, and these are also only the Blogger blogs (sounds weird when you say it). There are blogs on Live Journal that I also enjoy lurking around on.
When I first got my computer-(I was rather late to the internet, I've only had a computer for a couple years) I joined a few yahoo. author's chat groups. I was (am still a bit) a very naive internet user. I had no idea that there were archives on sites, or anyway to look up older conversations, topics, anything like that. a few of the group chats that I joined were full of the most touchy, angry judgemental people that I almost stopped using the internet. Boy, these people were rude to other commenters, to newcomers if they asked the wrong questions, - they were the touchiest, angriest people I've ever come across on the internet so far.
So at first, I was very hesitant to even comment on other peoples' blogs. I've been pleasantly surprised at how, well, how pleasant everyone has been on all the blogs. I wish I had found these blogs first! Believe me! I'm a basically extremely shy person who has no idea how to navigate around the internet (okay, I'm learning a little as I go), with no "mentoring" me, or to ask questions , so the attitudes of the previous angry group chatters really left a bad taste in my mouth. I am so glad to find out that there are, indeed a lot of happy people (or at least pleasant people) hosting and commenting on these blogs. It's been a real pleasure lurking on these blogs and being able to comment, as well as having people respond in such a welcoming manner.
Happy blogging and reading everyone!
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