Sunday, May 24, 2009

This is a picture of a book I saw Barnes & Noble. The book, Dying Bites, is by DD Barant. My question to anyone; have you read this book? (an ARC) know where an excerpt can be found? I looked on the web and cannot find any info on DD Barant (as an author) only links to buy her/his(?) book. It looks interesting. From the book blurb on the B&N website I found that it is about an FBI agent who specialized in "the crazies" who gets pulled into an alternate (parallel) world or universe. In this world humans make up 1% of the population, Vampire and Werevolves are the norm here (reminds me of Kit Whitfield's Benighted). Unfortunately there was no excerpt on the B&N site. I love excerpts - they help me figure out if I want to buy a book or not. Booksellers - please put up more excerpts.

I am a little more than halfway through this book, Magic in the Blood. I love Devon Monk's writing. I am loving this book. I think I keep putting off reading this book because I don't want to actually finish it. I know it's weird, but when I finish it, I'll be done reading it, and I'll miss it. huh. really weird. Then I'll have to find another book that will measure up and they won't be quite the same. I do have some good books coming up in my TBR pile to read though. Like Rachel Caine's Undone. And I won a copy of Richelle Mead's Vampire Academy, though I haven't received it yet. Magic Strikes (Ilona Andrews) is also waiting for me to read it. Ilona Andrews is (are? she/they are a husband/wife writing team; I can't imagine writing a book {at all!} with a husband or a partner. I would argue too much or not want to include any words but my own. Good thing I can't really write, it will never come up!) a very good writer. I have read her/their other two books and each time I get lost in them. I would recommend them to anyone.

I'm also waiting to see a book published written by someone I met on LiveJournal. I read one of her short shorts online and it was pretty good. It was a take on the river crossing (Styxx), mixed with the Scales of Justice. I enjoy satire. She has a website up, almost ready for viewing. The home page is up and looks good.

I'm wishing I was a millionaire (who doesn't?), since it seems like there are so many interesting books coming out soon.

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